Christine Höllrigl



Christine Höllrigl – Pranatherapist

Jaufenstreet. 16

I – 39010 Kuens near Meran

MwStNr / Part.IVA: 02332450218


About me:

Christine Höllrigl, born in 1968 in Meran, Italy

Even as a young child I noticed (as well as my environment) that I was somehow ‘different’. This fact caused all sorts of difficulties during my childhood. It took until many years later that the serious confrontation with my psychic abilities began. After the completion of several trainings, I’ve been working for many years now as an ambassador of the spirit world and I put my skills on offer in various seminars and individual sessions available to people.
The cooperation with the spirit world brings along a continuum of growth and change. It is a great enrichment to my being and it is simply wonderful to experience time and time again how loving and patient these beings are.
It is my job, through all of my systems, to initiate the healing of the layers of the earth as well as the power places of the world, assisted by Hilarion and the power of the green Ray. And also to establish a connection to the elemental realms, the fairies and the elves that are being governed and led by Morgana le Fay.’This fits in wonderful with my name of origin: Mara, which means ‘the Earth mender’.


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Christine Höllrigl - Pranotherapeutin - Jaufenstrasse 16 - 39010 Kuens bei Meran  - MwStNr / Part.IVA: 91072610214 
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